Activities Homepage
Participation and Communications Guidelines:
Middleton Middle School would like to see that extra-curricular activities and sports provide the optimum quality for all participants. The Middleton School District and Middleton Middle School, as members of the Inter-Valley League, will follow all conference conditions contained in the Inter-Valley League constitution and bylaws, league bylaws, or IHSAA rules and regulations.
Middleton School District believes that extra-curricular activities are a significant benefit to all students. Therefore, Middleton School District will endeavor to offer as many extra-curricular activities as is reasonable and possible, and will encourage all students to participate in one or more extra-curricular activities.
Extra-curricular activities will provide quality experiences that will enhance the concepts of fair play, individual and group excellence in performance, and respect for fellow participants and/or opponents. These extra-curricular activities will assist participants in developing self-esteem and self-acceptance, and build positive attitudes toward individual and team goal achievements. Extra-curricular activities include athletics, official clubs and/or organizations, and those activities that are connected or related to a classroom curriculum.
The Middleton School District believes that activities and athletics provide quality opportunities for students. Therefore, the emphasis at the middle school (grades 6-8) is to offer activities and athletics that are both available to all and available on a try-out basis. Students will be allowed to participate unless there are extenuating medical conditions or they fail to meet academic requirements. In order for students to gain from that participation, all participants will be expected to be included in actual contests as well as practice sessions.
In order to be eligible for any interscholastic activities, the student must:
- Maintain passing grades in all classes
- If a student is failing a class, the student will have one weeks to meet the eligibility requirements once on academic probation. Parents will be notified by the coach or advisor. During the one week probation period, the athlete can participate in practice, but is not eligible to participate in Inter-Valley League games.
- At any time during the one week ineligibility period, the student can become eligible again by meeting the minimum eligibility standards. Grades will continue to be monitored weekly.
- If a student consistently fails to meet the minimum eligibility standards, the athlete will be placed in a mandator after school study program. If student continues to be on academic probation, he/she will be considered ineligible for the remainder of the season.
- All grade point averages will be determined by the middle school grading policy. The building principal has the final authority for any grade dispute.
- If a parent wants to contest their child’s academic probation, they must call and set up a meeting with the building principal and athletic director.
- A student must be present in school no less than half a school day (4 periods) in order to participate in practice or games. Exceptions are made if absences fall under Extraordinary. Extraordinary absences will be at the discretion of the administration and/or Athletic Director.
- he student must have completed 10 practices to eligible to play in an IVL game or an appropriate number as designated by the league bylaws or Athletic Director.
Use of Drugs, Alcohol, or Tobacco:
Any violation of the Idaho Code as prescribed for minors with respect to the use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco during the school year by any person attending school, regardless of age, and participating in any school program function or activity including practices and contests both home and away is prohibited. This includes using, buying, selling, giving, accepting, or having possession of drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Reference Idaho Code Section 18-1504A, 23-949, etc.
Any person admitting to, or witnessed violating the rules will be subject to Offense Procedures in the District Drug and Alcohol Use/Abuse Policy.
When a person who participated in an interscholastic activity during the school year is caught or suspected of an offense, the following steps will be taken:
Step 1: Students may be questioned by their advisor/coach or an administrator. Also present during this questioning may be another staff member whose purpose will be to document the manner of the questioning. If the student admits to a violation of the Activities Code the student, advisor/coach, and athletic director will meet in a formal meeting to clearly identify the nature of the violation and determine consequences.
Step 2: Parents will be notified of the violation and, if necessary, are requested to meet with the athletic director to be formally advised of the violation as set forth in the Interscholastic Code. Also present at this meeting may be another school administrator whose purpose is to document the process of this meeting
Step 3: If the parent chooses to appeal the decision, they may request a meeting with the building principal and another district administrator.
Step 4: Further appeal can be made to the superintendent.
If there is no admission, but the advisor/coach feels there is sufficient evidence to proceed, the steps 2, 3, and 4 will be taken in a timely manner.
If after the initial interview with the student, the advisor/coach feels there is no reason to proceed further, a written summary of the interview will be given to the athletic director, and parents will be notified of the interview.
Administration of Restriction or Penalties per Activity:
All students found to be in violation of any rules will be subject to follow all school required disciplinary actions.
Procedure for Suspension:
- The athlete will still be considered part of the team and is expected to attend all practices and team meetings.
- The athlete will not dress down for any game during the suspension
Participants in an interscholastic activity shall refrain from any type of insubordination, harassment, bullying, or any kind of hazing activity while being a part of any extra-curricular activity. Failure to do so will result in appropriate action, suspension, or both to fit the circumstances.
Participants in an interscholastic activity shall be required to present and conduct themselves in a manner that will at all times bring credit to themselves, their family, and Middleton Middle School. Specifically, we warn that students do not use foul or derogatory language at practices and contests both home and away while representing the District. Failure to do so will result in appropriate action, suspension, or both to fit the circumstances.
In the areas of interscholastic activities or practices, each director, supervisor, or head coach will make these policies known to each participant and no one will take part in any activity function as a participant until the participant and parent of the participant has certified that they have read the code and understands the policies and means of enforcement.
Every student participating in interscholastic activities is required to purchase an activity card and pay an activity fee. In addition, there may be additional costs (i.e. T-shirt uniforms for track and Tennis, shoes, etc.) associated with taking part in interscholastic activities.
- Athletes must ride to and from the game on school transportation or transportation sanctioned by school authorities. No one is exempt from this policy without written permission from parents, principal, and athletic director.
- The proper attire for traveling athletes should be clean and neat. Neatness is important!
- Behavior, both on the bus and while visiting the host school, should reflect positively on Middleton Middle School. Please observe the following rules:
- There is to be no eating on the bus without the permission of the coach and the bus driver. Make sure all garbage is picked up when you return.
- Loud, disorderly behavior on the bus is prohibited. The trip should be a quiet rest period.
- Taking towels or any athletic equipment from the host school is inexcusable and is grounds for immediate dismissal from the squad.
- A quiet and modest attitude should be maintained at the host school
A. General Guidelines
- In any successful program, it is essential that coaches, parents/guardians and participants understand each other's goals and expectations.
- For this reason, coaches/advisors will meet with participants and parents/guardians to present and discuss their philosophies, goals, expectations and contest rules.
- At this meeting, schedules of games and practices will be provided to all participants along with written expectations and training/practice rules for participants.
- At this time, coaches/advisors will inform parents/guardians and students of any special equipment or requirements for the activity as well as discuss costs that may be incurred by the participants.
B. Expectations for Participants:
- Participants will observe training/practice rules as stated by each individual coach
- Participants will give their best effort at all times – both in practice and in contests.
- Participants will represent the district in a positive manner and demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.
- Unless excused by the coach/advisor, participants are expected to be present for and participate fully in all practices.
- Participants who know in advance that they will be absent from practice or an event for appointments or other good reasons should discuss their absence with coach/advisor. If the coach/advisor is unavailable at the participant’s school, the athlete may contact the athletic director.
- Participants who have conflicts because of family responsibilities or other activities are expected to discuss those conflicts (in advance when possible) with the coach/advisor to determine whether they can give sufficient time and energy to each activity or responsibility. Coaches/advisors who are aware of these conflicts will attempt to resolve them on an individual basis.
- Participants are to comply fully with school district and IHSAA policies and Intervalley League regulations for participation in extra-curricular activities.
- Any violation of the Idaho Code 18-1504A, 23-949 as prescribed for minors with respect to the use of drugs alcohol, or tobacco during the school year by any person attending school, regardless of age, and participating in any school program function or activity including at practice and contests both home and away while representing the District is prohibited.
- Participants in an interscholastic activity shall be required to refrain from foul language at practices and contests both home and away while representing the District.
C. Expectations for Coaches/Advisors:
- Coaches/advisors are responsible for rules and regulations for the conduct of their activities.
- Coaches/advisors will have all major rules as well as practice and game schedules approved in advance by the athletic director and /or the school principal. After approval, these rules and schedules will be supplied in writing to the participants and their parents/guardians.
- Significant changes in rules or practice times will be approved in advance by the athletic director and/or principal and communicated clearly to participants and parents/guardians.
- Coaches/advisors will be present and supervise participants at all times when participants are practicing or competing under the auspices of the school. Unsupervised practices are not permitted on school premises or under the auspices of the school.
- A coach/advisor or other designated responsible adult must be present after practices and contests until all participants have been safely picked up or left the premise.
- Coaches/advisors will not impose severe disciplinary measures or remove a participant
D. Expectations for Parents/Guardians:
- Parents/guardians will attend pre-season meetings and support participants by attending events when possible.
- Parents/guardians will maintain realistic expectations for their children no matter what their natural or developed ability level may be.
- Parents/guardians should attempt to have realistic expectations and be supportive of their child’s participation as well as refrain from challenging or second-guessing the style, decisions, or philosophy of the coach/advisor.
- In cases where there is a conflict or misunderstanding, parents/guardians will attempt to resolve problems through channels as outlined in this policy (see next page).
- Parents/guardians will exhibit good sportsmanship both at events and in discussion with others.
- Parents will be expected to arrange for their student’s transportation to and from activities (including practices) in a timely manner.
- Parent will not use or be under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs while attending any practice and contests including both home and away games while representing the District.
- Parents during any interscholastic activity shall refrain from foul language at practices and contests including both home and away while representing the District.
Both the parent and the coach are committed to bringing out the best in the student athlete. The most beneficial environment in which a young person can improve occurs when the parent and coach establish a mutual understanding of each other’s responsibilities. Parents have the right to expect clear communication from coaches. Likewise, coaches will better communicate with parents when they are made aware of family concerns. When parents and coaches work together toward these goals, the student athlete will greatly benefit.
- Extracurricular participation policies and eligibility requirements.
- Coach’s philosophy.
- Coach’s expectations for your son or daughter, as well as for all of the members of the team or group.
- Location and times of practices, contests, and meetings.
- Team requirements, fees, lettering, special equipment, off-season conditioning, appropriate dress, mannerisms, and be-savior when traveling.
- Procedures to follow, should an injury occur during participation.
- Discipline matters that could result in the non-participation of your son or daughter, during both practice and games.
- Expression of concerns directly to coach or advisor.
- Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance of practice or events.
- Specific concern in regards to a coach or advisor’s philosophy or expectations.
While involved in an athletic or extracurricular program, students will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. There will also be moments when events do not go the way students or parents would prefer. During these situations, a timely and respectful discussion with the coach will most likely bring about a clearer understanding of the issues and the positions of all involved. This, in turn, may make a positive resolution more feasible.
- Treatment of your son or daughter.
- Ways to help your son or daughter.
- Behavior concerns. Sometimes it is very difficult to accept that your son or daughter is not playing as much as you had hoped. Remember, coaches are professionals and they make decisions based on what they believe to be the best for all of the students involved.
Please do not treat your child as a trophy. Each is his or her own person; help your child become a good role model.
As already stated, there are concerns that can and should be discussed. Other issues such as the following should be left up to the discretion of the coach.
- Playing time.
- Team strategy.
- Play calling.
- Other student participants.
- Confrontational issues.
Some situations may require a conference between the parent and coach. It is important that both the parties involved have a clear understanding of the other’s position when the conference is initiated. The following procedures should be used to help promote a resolution to the problem.
- Call to set up an appointment. Do not confront a coach or advisor during an event, after an event, or during practice.
- If the coach cannot be reached, call the athletic director or the principal.
- If the parent-coach meeting does not reach a satisfactory resolution, call to make an appointment with the athletic director or principal. At this meeting, the parent, coach, athletic director, and/or principal will discuss the issue and try to reach a satisfactory resolution.
- If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, call and make an appointment with the superintendent.