Email: shawke@msd134.org
Phone: (208) 585-3251 New Ext: 4033
Qualifications: BA Biology, California State University, Northridge MA Curriculum and Instruction, Boise State University
Mrs. Susan Hawke
Welcome to my Middleton School District webpage.
I am still so excited teaching here at Middleton Middle School these last 5 years! I am happily engaged in the GT STEM program at MMS, Physical Science and love teaching the Robotics I and II programs here, too. This summer I spent a week learning more about different Robots and CyberSecurity principles that I will be sharing with students this year.
I've been teaching over 16 years, here in the Treasure Valley and Oregon. I've taught 6th-12 grades in a variety of Sciences and have an absolute passion for it!
I am married with 2 adult children who live here in the beauty of the Valley. I am active in my outdoor activities, especially with my work as a volunteer Bogus Basin Ski Patroller, since 1993.
Please check out the STEM, Science 8 and Robotics Google Classrooms that your students have logged into and you will find daily and prior work there. I invite parents to view our Classroom for upcoming activites as well, please make sure your emails are updated with the District so that you receive updates.
Susan Hawke~