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Family Consumer Science

  1.  This is a trimester-long class- it consists mainly of cooking with relationships and family relations content taught intertwined.  It is NOT a pass/fail class. 

  1. We will have approximately 4 cooking labs.  All cooking labs will have a demonstration before for comprehension and to maximize student success for their own cooking labs.

    1. Our cooking focus is on the basics, using proper measuring techniques, and proper direction following of recipes.  We focus on meal preparation, and working together to create fun, appetizing dishes.  

    2. Cooking labs are hands-on experiences that you will complete with your group members.  This requires teamwork, inclusion,  and a positive attitude.

    3.  Thinking activities that are cooking related are done often (except lab days). These are graded.

    4. We heavily focus on kitchen cleanliness and food safety practices.